Got everything installed. Go to web portal via ip address or foldforcovid.local and it works for about 10 minutes. After that I get a connection lost message and no response at the web console. However, pings are good to the RPI and consistent…should i just leave it?
Yes, is normal because Fold consumes all the resources:
See also .local - url stops working where I have summarised my findings on exactly this.
I had the same problem with it going offline. There was also a message in the console prior to that saying it needed more storage space to process a job.
I was using an 8Gb SDcard. After re-imaging it using a 32Gb card it seems to be working much better.
Now it has about 22Gb storage free and the job queue has also increased with 4 jobs running and 5 jobs waiting which it didn’t have before.