It would be helpful if someone from Balena confirms but…
I am running 4 x RPi4 (4 GB) and 2 x RPi3. The RPi3s are idle waiting for work which will fit in 1GB and their web interface is fine. The RPi4s have all lost their web interface but appear to be working as the router shows them occasionally sending and receiving data. Current stats say:
upload / download
- 51 MB / 2.096 GB
- 51 MB . 2.1 GB
- 47 MB / 2.09 GB
- 47 MB / 2.12 GB
Some of the jobs run for many hours and every so often when I open all four web connections, one of them will work again which confirms that it is still doing useful work. Of my four, this has happened to two of them so it looks like while number crunching, the web interface is turned off or has a low scheduling priority so cannot respond in time when the computer is busy assuming each job runs in its own core.
When I did reboot before, it looked like the jobs continued where they left off so there must be checkpoints being kept, but I am not 100% sure about this. However, now I am leaving them to run hoping that they are still working and I just can’t monitor them properly.