Balena Nebra Helium Light


My helium light-hot-spot throwing me this helium-miner error, any clarifications?

WARN failed to construct router client: Decode(Uri(InvalidUri(InvalidAuthority))), module: router

Setup is the DIY-RAK2287

A resolution would be very helpful.

Hello @rjwelling thanks for trying the Nebra Helium Light hotspot app from balenaHub.

I tested myself on pi4 and pi zero on RAK2287 (DIY-RAK2287) and it worked (the lora packet fwd) but i don’t recall to see these warnings.

Anyway, you have to know that this hotspot at the moment is not able to be part of the Helium blockchain until the HIP 19 (if i’m not wrong) is deployed.

With the validators running the Light Hotspots will be able to make PoC and DC. Having said that, this will be a DIY light hotspot and we still need to know if Helium will open the blockchain to DIY devices (alpha program).

Feel free to share the logs here and let me know if that you can forward LoRa packets.

thanks @mpous the warning comes from the helium-miner service. the packet fwd is working pretty well (apart from the GPS).

the helium-log shows the following;

27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO starting server, key: , version: 1.0.0-alpha.9
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO starting, module: gateway
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO starting, module: router
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO selected gateway, uri:, public_key: , module: router
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO disabling, module: updater
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) WARN failed to construct router client: Decode(Uri(InvalidUri(InvalidAuthority))), module: router
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO updated routing to height 861433, module: router
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO starting server, key: , version: 1.0.0-alpha.9
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO starting, module: gateway
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO starting, module: router
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO selected gateway, uri:, public_key: , module: router
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO disabling, module: updater
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) WARN failed to construct router client: Decode(Uri(InvalidUri(InvalidAuthority))), module: router
27.05.21 12:20:29 (+0200) INFO updated routing to height 861433, module: router

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@rjwelling I will research on the warning but i can imagine that this is related with the miner without a correct certificate to join the blockchain?

@mpous thanks. the IP address mentioned is an AWS one but it can’t be pinged or traced. perhaps the end-point IP is wrong, however that’s “hard” coded in a config file which I can’t edit (easily)


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@rjwelling maybe we can involve @Ryanteck here to see if you are trying to do forbidden things or this is just the standard message that the URL can’t validate your devices’ certificate (as it’s a DIY light hotspot) on the blockchain.

works for me… the config is out of the box with only the VARIANT being different.

What do you mean that works for you?

I just checked on my pizero with VARIANT DIY-RAK2287 and REGION_OVERRIDE EU868 and i have the same warning message.

Hi @mpous

The “works for me” refers to the packet-forwarder but I’m investigating a new deploy to see if the helium-miner error shows up again. keep you posted

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Thank you @rjwelling Keep me updated :slight_smile:

figured out that a redeploy resolved the issue but I also figured out that get the miner to work I had to some additional step and as such figured at that I’m running a RAK2287 which is not yet supported so ordered a supported RAK2245. waiting for FedEx

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@mpous my helium-light-hotspot is working, easy to find as it’s only one (@date) in The Netherlands. downloaded the swarm-key and keeping an eye on the traffic.

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@rjwelling I will try that on RAK2245. BTW what is the VARIANT variable for RAK2245? DIY-RAK2245?


all variants are listed below;

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@mpous actually, you don’t need the variant variable as the 2245 is a SX3101 device. (which is support by default).

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@rjwelling thanks Robert! I will test and I will keep you updated!

@mpous thanks. btw… I got the following setup:

ofcourse a Helium hotshop, I see LoRa traffic (I believe)
next to that I have a LoRa Basic Gateway v3 (with loads of traffic)

I wonder if the one doesn’t compete with other for traffic. any thoughts on this?

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Probably yes! they compete for the traffic. Actually you can check if you have a LoRa node and open the Helium console all the hotspots that receive the data sent by the node.

I’ve shutdown the regular Basicstation as I’m putting my “money” in Helium. LoL

Have fun and keep us updated Robert!