Trying to Build Helium Packet Miner but the Packet-Forwarding wont Deploy.

Hey Everyone,

I was hoping to get some advice on why my packet-forwarding helium miner thingy is not working. I been trying to figure out what the problem is and how to fix it, at this point all I been able to do is find the issue. I was hoping someone can help me with the fixing the issue part.

Below I pasted the error portion of my log.

[Error] Some services failed to build:
[Error] Service: packet-forwarder
[Error] Error: The command ‘/bin/sh -c ./buildfiles/ spidev0.0’ returned a non-zero code: 1
[Info] Built on arm04
[Error] Not deploying release.

Thank you all for the help I really appreciate it.

Can you share some more details about exactly what/how you are trying to build? It would help us narrow down the issue if you could share console logs, and preferably your docker-compose/Dockerfile files (to whatever extent you find comfortable).
Also do share what OS and program versions you are using to build.

Thanks and regards,


Thanks for getting back to me, I will try to provide as much of the info you requested as possible.

so I am trying to build this Data Only Hotspot with balena + Raspberry Pi + RAK Concentrator RAK2287 | Helium Documentation using this source GitHub - mpous/helium-data-hotspot

I am using a raspberry pi 3 B+ model and using windows 10 on my desktop.

The docker compose :
version: ‘2.4’
context: ./hm-pktfwd
privileged: true
- ‘pktfwdr:/var/pktfwd’
context: ./hm-gatewayrs
- ‘1680’
- ‘44158:44158/tcp’
- ‘miner-storage:/var/data’
- ‘miner-log:/var/log/miner’
- ‘pktfwdr:/var/pktfwd’
- ‘/dev/i2c-1:/dev/i2c-1’
DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS: ‘unix:path=/host/run/dbus/system_bus_socket’
io.balena.features.dbus: ‘1’
miner-storage: {}
miner-log: {}
pktfwdr: {}

docker files:

Packet Forwarder Docker File

(C) Nebra Ltd 2019

Licensed under the MIT License.

################################## Stage: builder ##################################################

FROM balenalib/raspberry-pi-debian:buster-build as builder

Move to correct working directory

WORKDIR /opt/iotloragateway/dev

Copy python dependencies for pip install later

COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt

This will be the path that venv uses for installation below

ENV PATH="/opt/iotloragateway/dev/venv/bin:$PATH"

Install build tools

hadolint ignore=DL3008

RUN apt-get update &&
apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends

# Because the PATH is already updated above, this command creates a new venv AND activates it
# Given venv is active, this `pip` refers to the python3 variant

RUN python3 -m venv /opt/iotloragateway/dev/venv &&
pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

Copy the buildfiles and sx1302 concentrator fixes

COPY buildfiles buildfiles
COPY sx1302fixes sx1302fixes

Clone the lora gateway and packet forwarder repos

RUN git clone GitHub - NebraLtd/lora_gateway: Driver/HAL to build a gateway using a concentrator board based on Semtech SX1301 multi-channel modem and SX1257/SX1255 RF transceivers.
RUN git clone GitHub - NebraLtd/packet_forwarder: A LoRa packet forwarder is a program running on the host of a LoRa gateway that forwards RF packets receive by the concentrator to a server through a IP/UDP link, and emits RF packets that are sent by the server.

Create folder needed by packetforwarder compiler

RUN mkdir -p /opt/iotloragateway/packetforwarder

Compile for sx1301 concentrator on all the necessary SPI buses

RUN ./buildfiles/ spidev0.0
RUN ./buildfiles/ spidev0.1
RUN ./buildfiles/ spidev1.0
RUN ./buildfiles/ spidev1.1
RUN ./buildfiles/ spidev1.2
RUN ./buildfiles/ spidev2.0
RUN ./buildfiles/ spidev2.1
RUN ./buildfiles/ spidev32766.0

Compile for sx1302 concentrator

RUN ./buildfiles/

No need to cleanup the builder

################################### Stage: runner ##################################################

FROM balenalib/raspberry-pi-debian:buster-run as runner

Start in sx1301 directory

WORKDIR /opt/iotloragateway/packet_forwarder/sx1301

Install python3-venv and python3-rpi.gpio

hadolint ignore=DL3008

RUN apt-get update &&
apt-get -y install
python3-rpi.gpio &&
apt-get autoremove -y &&
apt-get clean &&
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Copy sx1301 packetforwader from builder

COPY --from=builder /opt/iotloragateway/packetforwarder .

Copy sx1301 regional config templates

COPY lora_templates_sx1301 lora_templates_sx1301/

Use EU config as initial default

COPY lora_templates_sx1301/local_conf.json local_conf.json
COPY lora_templates_sx1301/EU-global_conf.json global_conf.json

Move to sx1302 directory

WORKDIR /opt/iotloragateway/packet_forwarder/sx1302

Copy sx1302 hal from builder

COPY --from=builder /opt/iotloragateway/dev/sx1302_hal-1.0.5 .

Copy sx1302 regional config templates

COPY lora_templates_sx1302 lora_templates_sx1302/

Use EU config as initial default

COPY lora_templates_sx1302/local_conf.json packet_forwarder/local_conf.json
COPY lora_templates_sx1302/EU-global_conf.json packet_forwarder/global_conf.json

Move to main packet forwarder directory and copy source code

WORKDIR /opt/iotloragateway/packet_forwarder
COPY files/* ./

Copy venv from builder and update PATH to activate it

COPY --from=builder /opt/iotloragateway/dev/venv /opt/iotloragateway/dev/venv
ENV PATH="/opt/iotloragateway/dev/venv/bin:$PATH"

Run run_pkt script

ENTRYPOINT [“sh”, “/opt/iotloragateway/packet_forwarder/”]

Thanks for the help.

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Hello @TheElderOtter welcome to the balena community and thanks for trying the project.

Actually i accepted a PR a couple of days ago that solve this building issue. Could you please try?

Sorry for the delay of getting back to you I been out of town for last couple of weeks. I tried doing it again and I got the same issue, given idk if the website I am going to is the updated one or if it is the old one. GitHub - just4give/helium-dyi-hotspot-balena-pi4 . is there a better place I should be going to?

Thank you.

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Thank you for your message @TheElderOtter let me replicate this and try to find a solution!


were you ever able to find a solution to the problem by any chance?

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Hello @TheElderOtter i’m working on this this week! i will keep you updated!

I’m working on this branch GitHub - mpous/helium-data-hotspot at new_pktfwd

However i’m still having problems with the gateway_key.bin generated here helium-data-hotspot/ at 84de5f234f42aec784b2249176b3887309f49045 · mpous/helium-data-hotspot · GitHub

I will keep you updated!

Hi @mpous I have the same issue, compiling from Ubuntu in WSL, I will check the new branch and see if it improves.

I am trying to adapt to a SX1301, but still doesn’t compile

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Here’s what I did to fix the compiling issue, but first my setup>
Windows 11 using VSCODE inside WSL2 (Ubuntu)
changed the permissions of the two files and with chmod +x compileSX130*
Changed the Line ending from CRLF to LF
and after that “voila”

Now I will try to add my personal SX1301 gateway (based on RAK2245) and start adapting to that, from the code I see there is a work done towards it, and it is pretty much compatible, most likely just connecting some missing cable somewhere in the code.

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After fixing all executable files, [.sh] with correct permissions, and fine touch to add the RAK2245, the concentrator started and pktfwd.

Now having an issue to add the hotspot to Helium, getting this error>
ConnectError(“tcp connect error”, Os { code: 111, kind: ConnectionRefuse…

This doesn’t allow me to execute the very first command to add the hotspot and then pay for it…

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Exactly @ronyvargas i’m having the same issue …

helium changed the grpc service. And I think we may need to update to default.toml? gateway-rs/default.toml at main · helium/gateway-rs · GitHub

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Let me take a look to that link

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Made it to work, I had to modify the in order to made it work

beware that my work was towards adding the RAK2245 so, I have other mods in the packet_forwarder that are not needed if using the RAK2287, so I did two commits to make simple to see my mods, still dirty mods, trying to put them nice, but at least works. :slight_smile:
check out the specific commit from Github:
FIX after ALPHA-21 · rony-vargas/helium-data-hotspot@7fe3e8c (

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Hey @ronyvargas i’m preparing a big PR, but it’s still not ready. I will check your PR on Monday to see how does it match with the changes i’m doing :slight_smile:

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@ronyvargas did you try the last PR? :slight_smile:

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Hi @mpous I have compiled and uploaded the new code to the device and it looks is working correctly so far with no mods from my side

I will now add some node to test complete flow, but so far looks promising, btw I am using the variant: ‘DIY-PISLGH’ for my RAK-2245 (SX1301)

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@ronyvargas what region are you based? US915?

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Yes @mpous , my frequency region is US915