Windows 10 systematic Flash failed.

Message from the UI:

Flash Failed.

Message from the notification area:
Oops! Looks like the flash failed.
Something went wrong while writing ubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso to Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 USB Device(G:\,I:\).

Message from ctrl+shift+I

    "name": "Error",
    "description": "Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 USB Device",
    "code": "EVALIDATION",
    "device": "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive6",
    "message": "Checksum does not match for range [0, 6114656255]: \"~wTbW���\" != \"3W�$�wD\""

OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2 19045.4291
Balena Version: balenaEtcher-Portable-1.18.11.exe

Note that:

  • The flash drive is not defective.
  • Ubuntu successfully install from the failed flash.

AS expected, windows failed to load the I drive, didn’t attempt to load the EFI partition, Windows is clean. Only suspect are Defender, Acronis, WSL2.

Knowing which part of the drive content was modified would help…

How can I see the differences between the flash drive and the iso ?

On which partition lies the problem?

Why doing a crc check if you know it will fail most of the time on Windows ?

Currently, windows attempt to load the drive (Why assign a letter?) and explorer show an error while the flash operation is not complete. That’s a bad design choice, and I suspect the reason for the problem. There are plenty of tools which manage to sidestep this issue.

The CRC should be computed before windows has a chance to access and modify the drive.

Better, we should be able to eject the drive before another process trash it.