Scroll to bottom of logs when displaying logs for a single service

Just a small suggestion for a usability improvement: on the device dashboard, when filtering multicontainer logs by service, the logs window always scrolls up to the top. However, when I click a button to view a service’s logs, it is most likely I want to see the latest logs and not some very old ones. Having to scroll all the way down a long log is annoying when I change filters a lot. It would therefore be better if the log window automatically scrolled to the bottom upon selecting a service.

Hi there, thanks a lot for your suggestion, it makes sense. I have already created an issue internally, and we will let you know once this is implemented. I am personally working on the dashboard, so if you have any other suggestions, I am all ears!

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hey there,
This has been fixed and now when the filter is applied to the logswill scroll to the bottom to display the latest logs first

Thanks for reporting this!