RAK2245 Pi Hat disconnected in TTN v.3

Deleted the gateway and created a new one from scratch. No success.
By the way, when you copy the API key in TTS and paste it on Balena it puts this: NNSXS.K6QTAL3U4JL3P24HJP3S64WT7EF2Q7LAFVO3GNQ.HPSRUZL663BF3LU3GUIJ2GEL47CT7SHPR7W3XJIVAKCPEKQRM5YQ. This is very problematic if you dont notice it.
So, you need to cut it and leave: K6QTAL3U4JL3P24HJP3S64WT7EF2Q7LAFVO3GNQ.
Variables attached again.