Hi all,
I tried to follow the fantastic tutorial made by Marc and Jose to set up a basic station through balena cloud: https://www.balena.io/blog/deploy-a-basics-station-lora-gateway-with-ttn-and-balena/.
Unfortunately, my gateway (RAK2245 Hat on a rpi 4) appears as disconnected in TTN v.3.
I have reviewed the configuration several times but cannot find where is the issue.
Any ideas please?
Hello Marc, many thanks for the quick answer.
Please find attached the lo file of Balena. BY the way, I noticed that when you click copy on the EUI from Balena and then paste it on TTN it doesnt paste the correct EUI, but truncated.
Thanks basicstation_carlos-gw-1-27.09.21_12_05_53_(+0200).txt (70.7 KB)
Yes, I did. I have done again. It is strange that copy paste from TTS to Balena pastes a wrong key. I have put the key manually (!!) in two variables: TC_KEY and GW_KEY, Still disconnected.
Deleted the gateway and created a new one from scratch. No success.
By the way, when you copy the API key in TTS and paste it on Balena it puts this: NNSXS.K6QTAL3U4JL3P24HJP3S64WT7EF2Q7LAFVO3GNQ.HPSRUZL663BF3LU3GUIJ2GEL47CT7SHPR7W3XJIVAKCPEKQRM5YQ. This is very problematic if you dont notice it.
So, you need to cut it and leave: K6QTAL3U4JL3P24HJP3S64WT7EF2Q7LAFVO3GNQ.
Variables attached again.
Hi Marc, thank you very much for your help!
I have tested the gateway with a lora node (Cube Cell HTCC-AB01 board) with a simple counter and it is working properly, see screenshot attached. So, congratulations for the great tool you have created! It makes things much easier!
Hello all,
After working properly during the last 2 days, suddenly the RAK2245 gateway appears as disconnected in TTN v3. I didn’t change anything in the configuration myself. I just noticed an error in the Balena log saying “Missing configuration, define either TTN_STACK_VERSION or TC_URI and TC_TRUST.” Maybe there is an update in the software made by Balena team or maybe an update made by TTS requiring reconfiguration of gateways? Although I have a Mirkotik gateway working perfectly with no shutdowns during the last days.
Any ideas about how to solve this?