No luck with Balena Sound... Is it working?


I keep on not being abble to use Balena Soud.

I create a fleet, install 2.83 on a raspberry 3, nothing was working the services kept rebooting.
I tried 2.75 again services kept rebooting

I tried on a rapsberry pi 4 wit 4g, (creating a new fleet set up for raspeberry pi4). installed 2.83, serivces kept rebooting
I tried 2.75 and now the service in the dashboard are not even showing up.

Obviously i never saw one on appearing on my airplay list…

What i my doing wrong? Is this project not working anymore?


nobody on the forum?

Hi @al11c4nte, sorry for the delayed response. Were you able to get this project working? It definitely should be working on a Pi 4. I’d be interested in seeing logs for those cases where the services keep rebooting.

I recently tested on two RasPi 1’s and they had the same issue, they are still installed, so I will provide you the logs about tomorrow, they are physically somewhere else. :wink:

Sounds good. Appreciate the logs @sibul.

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Hi! Attached are the Health Check and Diagnostics Log from webUI, any specific log you like in additon?

2fa625a4face5877e8c7d6134e76c9b7_diagnostics_2021.09.26_08.44.57+0000.txt (526.5 KB)
2fa625a4face5877e8c7d6134e76c9b7_checks_2021.09.26_08.41.03+0000.json.txt (1.4 KB)


From the logs you shared, it seems that the container engine is failing on the device. As such no services are running.

Do you still have access to the device? Or could you provision with the latest version of balenaOS for your device?
