Hello - I have followed these steps and it has worked - I can now see the device however I am unable to connect or play audio into the device (and into the headphones attached)? Is there any way to fix this?
Edit: it appears that the bluetooth discovery keeps automatically turning off as well.
#status a balenaSound user had to manually set the device to discoverable in order to see the device. Now it seems they have problems pairing with it. I have asked for extra bluetoothctl output to check whether the device is pairable. #pendinguserresponse
Hey - I’m no longer running it unfortunately - I do remember the output though.
It was in a pair-able mode once I had manually set it (using the bluetoothctl) however I could not connect (for any length of time over about 2 sec) and so not play any audio. It did show up on my phone just not connected. I did raise an issue over on GitHub as well.
Hi, I’m new to BalenaSound. I read the thread and I have exactly the same issue with a Raspberry PI 3 model B and balenaOS 2.80.3+rev1. I run the following commands in order to be able to pair with the device:
bluetoothctl pairable on
bluetoothctl discoverable on
But the device appears not to be a speaker and additionally after pairing with it I cannot connect to it via bluetooth. It connects but disconnects after a 3 seconds or so. I attach the result of running bluetoothctl show:
root@974a6f7:/home# bluetoothctl show
Controller B8:27:EB:B8:95:D5 (public)
Name: 974a6f7
Alias: 974a6f7
Class: 0x00000000
Powered: yes
Discoverable: no
DiscoverableTimeout: 0x000000b4
Pairable: yes
UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: Generic Access Profile (00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: A/V Remote Control Target (0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: A/V Remote Control (0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
Discovering: no
Roles: central
Roles: peripheral
Advertising Features:
ActiveInstances: 0x00 (0)
SupportedInstances: 0x05 (5)
SupportedIncludes: tx-power
SupportedIncludes: appearance
SupportedIncludes: local-name
SupportedCapabilities Key: MaxAdvLen
SupportedCapabilities Value: 0x1f (31)
SupportedCapabilities Key: MaxScnRspLen
SupportedCapabilities Value: 0x1f (31)
Advertisement Monitor Features:
SupportedMonitorTypes: or_patterns
I attach a screenshot of what I see from my mobile phone after pairing with the device 974a6f7: