balenaOS 64 Bit on RPI3 A+

Hi there,

I just wanted to try out the 64 bit version of balena OS on a Raspberry Pi 3 A+.
Unfortunately it fails to load my container images. Any idea why that might be?
The same application works fine on a Raspberry Pi 4.

Here’s the log output from the dashboard:

19.11.19 08:53:33 (+0100) Supervisor starting
19.11.19 08:54:06 (+0100) Applying configuration change {"SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL":"900000"}
19.11.19 08:54:07 (+0100) Applied configuration change {"SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL":"900000"}
19.11.19 08:54:12 (+0100) Creating network 'default'
19.11.19 08:54:45 (+0100) Downloading image ''
19.11.19 08:54:53 (+0100) Downloading image ''
19.11.19 08:55:04 (+0100) Downloading image ''
19.11.19 08:55:48 (+0100) Failed to download image '' due to 'socket hang up'
19.11.19 08:55:48 (+0100) Failed to download image '' due to 'socket hang up'
19.11.19 08:55:48 (+0100) Failed to download image '' due to 'socket hang up'
19.11.19 08:58:22 (+0100) Supervisor starting
19.11.19 09:07:01 (+0100) Supervisor starting
19.11.19 09:07:39 (+0100) Downloading image ''
19.11.19 09:07:40 (+0100) Downloading image ''
19.11.19 09:07:40 (+0100) Downloading image ''
19.11.19 09:08:10 (+0100) Failed to download image '' due to '(HTTP code 500) server error - Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout '
19.11.19 09:08:13 (+0100) Failed to download image '' due to '(HTTP code 500) server error - Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout '
19.11.19 09:08:14 (+0100) Failed to download image '' due to '(HTTP code 500) server error - Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout '


I took a photo of the boot log, this might be useful:

Thanks for any advice on this.


From the logs you presented, it looks like images didn’t even download, which might point to connectivity issues on the device.
The download should be retried automatically.

Would you confirm if you are still having the problem?

I placed the device next to the router, still the behaviour is the same. So local wifi connectivity is not the issue.
I will take the device to a different network today and see if it behaves differently.
I will also try it with a different A+ if I can find one.

The weird thing is, that the same procedure works fine with an RPi 4: same application, same network, same sd card (with rpi4 image of course), same position in the room. So the change of network (provider) should not make a difference.
I think this reduces the possible errors to: either the A+ itself is corrupt, or the 64-bit OS for RPi3 does not work out of the box with an RPi3A+. Are my assumptions correct?


Hello, given the same setup is working fine on a pi4 I don’t think the network might be the ultimate culprit here (although its a useful thing to test if you manage to setup the device on a different one). I don’t think there should be issues running 64-bit on the RPi3A+, but I asked the devices team for confirmation and forwarded them your issue. In the meantime, if you still have the pi3 setup and are willing to, could you enable support access to the device so we can try and have a look directly at it? You will also have to share the UUID of the device after support access is granted

Another thing to check is memory.
The pi3A+ has only 512Mb of memory. Are you reserving some memory for the gpu in your application as well?

Checking cat /proc/meminfo | grep Free might give some clues…