VPN-based features have stopped working

Hi Balena team,

For the last week or so most of our devices have lost their ability to perform dashboard actions that use the VPN such as restart service, reboot, public URL and start terminal sessions.

Local network port 22222 ssh connections and dashboard online/offline statuses continue to work.

We are using a custom image on Nano Pi Neo Air boards, but this is a new issue that spans multiple host OS builds, devices and applications that were working correctly (meta-balena 2.26.0 - 2.29.0, Linux 4.14.x, supervisors v8 - v9). Problem persists after power cycles.

Twice today a freshly provisioned device has worked until it downloaded an update to its application, then the broken VPN/terminal behaviour started.
Here are before after screenshots for the device that has support access granted: working -> not working
I have enabled support access for 2eb16ac4672774875004238d7dd31514 and bd73c85a86e3f16d519052568c09838c .

Advice on how to proceed with debugging this is appreciated,

Problem was introduced by our application’s Netfilter rules, sorry!

Heya ! Thank you for reporting this, glad that it’s fixed now :slight_smile: