Unable to get Dash to display

So I’ve been working with an install of Balena-Dash on a Rpi 3 B+ , ethernet with an attached Monitor with an HDMI to VGA adapter.

I have successfully, more than thrice, installed and reinstalled the BalenaOS 64 bit , built and deleted, rebuilt the Application etc. to no avial.

I can’t seem to get the URL to display. I just get the Green Balena Logo.

I have edited the config.txt file and set the GPU RAM to 128.

I am using the 64 bit Rpi 3 image.

  • Does anyone have any thoughts or tips to get the URL of Dash to display on my monitor?
  • Do you think the HDMI to VGA adapter needs an adittional config?
  • Do you think the 64 bit OS is causing issues?

Thanks for any tips and pointers.

Update: I was able to get this to work by re-imaging my SD card with the NON 64 bit Rpi 3 image.

So far I am able to pull URLs etc.

Hi, there are currently some issue with the 64 bits OS. There is a PR to get it working https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-dash/pull/93 but see the comment there from Rahul also

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