Unable to fetch TTN

28.11.18 19:09:58 (+0300) main GW_EUI: B827EBFFFEBB6437
28.11.18 19:09:58 (+0300) main Enabling TTN gateway connector
28.11.18 19:09:58 (+0300) main *******************
28.11.18 19:09:58 (+0300) main *** Fetching config from TTN account server
28.11.18 19:09:58 (+0300) main *******************
28.11.18 19:10:07 (+0300) main Unable to fetch configuration from TTN. Are your GW_ID and GW_KEY correct?
28.11.18 19:10:08 (+0300) Service exited ‘main sha256:6e2f0518746e871577a330562a80ce2fc209138029503110693b6e51fa039aec’

Hello @m_emin_sahin0666,

On Device variables, did you add your GW_ID and GW_KEY?
You can get those values from the TTN console.

Similar to the image below:


yes i add them and check them even twice

@m_emin_sahin0666 may I ask what hardware and base image are you using for the gateway?

i use it

@m_emin_sahin0666 Which gateway are you using?

For example, the new gateway from PiSupply or a RAK backplane?

Rak Pilot gateway

Thanks for the information,

Now sure if you are already checking this git repository, but you can test with the settings in this section: