RevPI connect doesn't shows up in the dashboard

I deployed the Balena OS image to the RevPI connect from Balena Cloud and Balena Etcher but it don’t shows up in the dashboard when I connect it via an ethernet port into a hub. I reflashed it and the same issue comes. What should have to do ?

Best regards,


Hi @hugo,

Can you share more about the process you took and the errors or information you’re seeing that tells you it’s not connected? This is what I understand from what you’ve said so far, but please correct anything that I’ve got unclear:

  • you have an account in balenaCloud
  • you added a device there
  • you downloaded the image
  • you used Etcher to flash that image to your device
  • you connected your device to the internet via ethernet so it could connect to balenaCloud
  • it is not showing as online in the dashboard(?)

Also, you mentioned you have it connected via a hub - is there a way to test your internet connection without the hub to make sure there’s not something in the hub itself that’s routing incorrectly?

Thanks for your answer, it finally worked. You did understand my issue and I tried to flash again my device and it works