Hello resinio,
My team and I are installing RPis in some locations to collect wifi data via promiscuous / monitoring mode. We plan to have more than 10 RPis deployed in various locations.
Currently we have been deploying these RPis manually and would like to streamline the deployment process. We stumble upon resinio and gave it a shot and I think it’s a nifty tool to help us streamline development and deployment work via git and Docker.
In order for our application to work on the RPis, there are some configuration at the host level to ensure that monitoring mode on the built-in wifi chip is enabled (for e.g. with https://github.com/seemoo-lab/nexmon). However in order to use resinio we are required to use the pre-build resinOS images. I found that the filesystem is in read-only mode so i cannot add files or packages.
In order to successfully have our application work with resin.io, I would need to seek your advise on how to enable monitoring mode. Are there alternatives to resinOS or can resinOS be temporary launched with a read-write filesystem?
Your help is much appreciated. Thank you!