Resinos download page links not working

What is the preferred method for reporting a problem with the web site?
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If I follow the links from the web site to the beaglebone green image download I get:

NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist. resinos/beaglebone-green/2.12.3+rev1/image/ A11A4B549B14AFE2 f0zijCvknibp+sw9I+59kpgzuBegLXOvcaSD7RfR/jnCizKOd0gIWj3gNEGbvIS+OSb7ijQoQw8=

>Resinos download page links not working

What is the preferred method for reporting a problem with the web site?
Pending an answer…

If I follow the links from the web site to the beaglebone green image download I get:

NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist. resinos/beaglebone-green/2.12.3+rev1/image/ A11A4B549B14AFE2 f0zijCvknibp+sw9I+59kpgzuBegLXOvcaSD7RfR/jnCizKOd0gIWj3gNEGbvIS+OSb7ijQoQw8=

Hi @PeterA! Thanks for reporting this (here is indeed a good place to do it). We found the issue that caused this and deployed a fix, so the download should work fine now.