Issues on RPi while downloading new image

Hi, I’m having issues with my RPi not downloading the latest image from the registry. Here’s the error log:

25.09.18 07:16:40 (+0200) Failed to download image '' due to '(HTTP code 500)server error - Get dial tcp: on read udp> i/o timeout '

ResinOS Version: Resin OS 2.15.1+rev2 (both production and developer)
Supervisor Version: 7.16.6
Device has issues on Factory build

This is still an issue.

I have the same issue. Only on company internet though.

Maybe it is a firewall issue?

Unlikely, this is an issue on my home network.

Hi @golyalpha and @Sahlin

I have sent you both a message privately to gather some sensitive information privately related to this issue.

Thank you!

@xginn8 I can’t confirm the receipt of such a message. There’s nothing in my PM inbox here on the forum, and I haven’t received anything other than an email regarding this mention.

@golyalpha I have just resent the email. If you still have not received the message, please check in your spam or filtered messages for messages from

Thank you!