+ Bridgefy SDK (or an alternative)?


I would like to use the Bridgefy SDK on a connected device. The SDK is available on iOS and Android.

Bridgefy team has gotten it to work on Android Things:

Android development fills me with dread, I’d much rather use the simple and elegant approach of Docker containers.

Does anyone have any ideas on how Bridgefy SDK can be made to work on some form of a setup?

Or can propose a reasonable alternative? I’m interested in local & bi-directional (in Bridgefy’s case, Bluetooth-based) connectivity between the device and iOS/Android phones, i.e. without using the Internet.

I would love to avoid having to abandon in favour of Android Things… :slight_smile:


Hi. I do not know about Bridgefy SDK but we do have 2 SDKs you could use with resin:

Thanks @floion! Unfortunately these do not solve my problem – as I said, I’m looking for local, bi-directional connectivity between the device and iOS/Android phones. This is what Bridgefy does –

Does anyone else have any thoughts? :slight_smile:

Hi, sorry for the quick run over your previous message.
Looking at bridgefy, it looks like currently they only support iOS and Android. So basically this would mean that would somehow need to support Android. I’m not aware of any strides in this front and I’d guess this blog post summarizes a bit the state of things regarding Android support.

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No, worries, thanks for looking into it deeper!

This part from the post sounds promising:

A benefit of having run on top of Android Core would be to gain the additional hardware support that Android has for a number of devices where Linux support is non-existent or substandard. A managed Android Core device would appear like all other managed devices, and, if we got a container engine and our agent running on it, would run containers pushed from

I.e. use Android for lower-level access to the Bluetooth stack facilitated by the Bridgefy SDK, but use to create containers with the business logic. Unfortunately, since this isn’t available right now, I’ll search for another solution!

Thanks a lot for your help @floion !

So I managed to find an alternative:

In addition to supporting iOS and Android, it also runs on vanilla Linux:

Trying it out now!