We are having a problem with one of our apps that has devices pinned to a specific release.
The device is pinned to an older release (target), and somehow the current release is a newer release. It seems that the devices are stuck trying to download the older pinned release, displaying the following message: Failed to download application 'registry2.resin.io/v2/e013db93520ebc52fdf39b62e5c3a6c8' due to 'rsync exited. code: 12 signal: null'
I wish that I didn’t have to post the link to the device on a forum message board. It doesn’t seem like a very secure way of handling this type of information.
Oh I’m sorry, you could also share the device link via a private message - I have a unified interface and didn’t notice this came from a public rather than a private channel. Feel free to edit out the device link now @james-eberhardt