piHole webinterface not reachable

Hey @TermiGR so I think this problem occurs when you pull the project using Git and then push with balena push. When you use Git on Windows it converts the project to Windows line endings when it pulls (allowing you to work on the project), and then converts back when you push. If you’re using balena push in this case, it doesn’t give Git the chance to convert back.

The key lines in your logs are:

30.05.19 11:09:47 (-0700)  pihole  [cont-init.d] 30-checktft.sh: executing... 
: No such file or directorypihole  ifelse: fatal: unable to exec bash
30.05.19 11:09:47 (-0700)  pihole  [cont-init.d] 30-checktft.sh: exited 111.

You’ve therefore got a couple of options:

  • Change your local Git settings to retain line endings - details here
  • Use the Git deploy method instead of balena push which would be git push balena master after adding the remote shown in the top right of your application in the dashboard. More details here

There’s another thread here which describes the same problem.

I hope this helps! Let us know if this solves the issue or if you need more help.

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