Pi3 x64 NIC not working

Fairly new to the whole Balena OS as i’ve only just found it while fault finding my Nebra Helium Miner which uses the Pi3 x64 OS and various docker containers.

My issue is on boot, the miner/BalenaOS cannot get the NIC working, i’ve seen it fire up before but only for a short time, in the end to get a successful boot up and to connect via an IP I created the file to manually connect to my WiFi and another to bypass the NIC based on some docs on the Balena support site.
I’d really like to crack this and get the onboard NIC functioning but i’m coming from a Windows/Mac background so i’m a bit in the dark and appreciate some help.
Is it a driver issue? Does Linux use drivers in the same way windows does?
All I need it to do is enable the port and pick up an IP from DHCP, the lights now don’t even come on.

Any help greatly appreciated, i’m sure it’s something simple.

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Hi, allow me to describe the situation to make sure I understand correctly. You are using a RPI3 (64bits) based device with a balenaOS release, and you are having trouble to connect the ethernet interface.

By default, balenaOS will automatically bring the ethernet interface up and request a DHCP address for it. You should then be able to use the balena CLI to scan for devices on your local network and connect to it.

If the ethernet is not working, you also have the option to configure the wireless interface as explained in Network Setup on balenaOS 2.x - Balena Documentation. It seems that this is what you have already done.

Are you able to identify the device in your network using balena scan and login into it via WiFi using balena ssh?

Hi Alex.
Yes that’s basically it, I can get to the device via the IP it uses when connected to wifi - the HTTP goes to a container webpage that gives me GUI access to the container but it looks like the NIC issue is with balena. I’m guessing there is something either in the config.json or somewhere else that is disabling or misconfiguring the NIC.

I’ve just tried to change the wifi settings of the file to point it to a different SSID but when rebooted, it stayed attached to the original si I guess it doesn’t check the file every time it boots to know what SSID to connect to? (possibly different issue to the original)

Re ssh, I tried connecting…
saltrock@Salt-iMac ~ % ssh -p 22222 root@

The authenticity of host ‘[]:22222 ([]:22222)’ can’t be established.

ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:hG3t0E42auEuo3Z9ADL7jUd9hMQR8MEYhKusqbFvY/w.

This key is not known by any other names

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes

Warning: Permanently added ‘[]:22222’ (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

root@ Permission denied (publickey).

saltrock@Salt-iMac ~ %

is there an easy way to get ssh working?
Alternatively, is there a place or config file I need to have in order to get the NIC working by default?

Hi, do you know what balenaOS version you are using? Recent versions allow to enable development mode at runtime which would allow you to ssh into the hostOS to debug.

Also, if the device is connected to a fleet in the cloud, you can probably do balena ssh <UUID> to access the hostOS.