Pi Hole webserver for LISTENING on port 80 on wireless connection


I made this check earlier, with wired and wireless and what I found that only when I have wired connection, Balena host start to LISTEN on port 80. I see this from Balena host CLI not Pi Hole console, so not sure who is responsible for this behavior.

Wireless only:
root@ecc3a34:~# netstat -tnla
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Wired :
root@ecc3a34:~# netstat -tanl
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Hey there, are you using this balena-pihole project?

If so, it’s the Pi-hole service that is listening on port 80 for the admin dashboard. Can you provide the value you have set for INTERFACE in the balena dashboard? If you’re using wired it should be eth0 which is the default but if you want to use it via wireless only INTERFACE should be set to wlan0.

The reason you can see the differences on the Host OS is the Pi-hole service has to run with network_mode: host so it shares the networking stack with the host and only binds to the provided interface.

Hi All,

Appreciate all the replies and apologies for late response. Balena Pi hole started listening on wifi interface port 80 as soon as I changed the environmental variable to wifi interface from eth0.


Sound great @amit3bcrec, let us know if you need any further help.

Hi Georgia,
I do have one another issue here -

Hi there - looks like your last message was cut off. Do you still have another issue?

Thanks Balenaforums. I fixed the issue, it was due to unnecessary setting in my AP.

None of the SSID are Guest, one SSID was for 5GHz (Pi-hole) and second is for 2.4 GHz. AP’s can do fun stuff, in my AP I have this option enabled and because of that client traffic was isolated not able to talk to Pi hole. I disabled that setting and all good now.

“isolate wireless client traffic from other clients on the same AP.”



@amit3bcrec Great news! Glad to hear you fixed the issue :slight_smile:

a quick question - how do you fetch the weekly/monthly list of URL resolved per client from Pi-hole UI ?

This is only possible if each client shows up as a unique device in Pi-hole (vs a common situation where each query appears to come from the router that is forwarding the requests). So IF you have unique clients in Pi-hole, you should look under Long term data → Query log in the dashboard and filter as needed. The best place to get support like this is in the Pi-hole forums here - https://discourse.pi-hole.net/

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