opens with blank screen

Hi i download etcher for windows 10 and it opens on a blank screen.
ive redownloaded it and during the download an error arrears sying “download error” and asks to retry or continue both done resolve the issue .

still blank after restarting the pc also


Hi @avflav85, welcome to balena! Can I confirm a couple things with you:

  • Are you using the very latest version of Etcher (1.5.90)?
  • Is this using the Installer version, or the Portable version?

There are a couple of Github issues that may help you:

Take a look at these; if you’re still experiencing an issue, consider replying to the issue on Github that seems most relevant to the problem you’re having.

Hope that helps!

All the best,

Thank you. Tried a few options but it appears chrome was the issue. seems to be working now so thank you