I’m using Resin.io with a Raspberry Pi 3 and am missing some device tree overlays that are available in Raspbian. Especially audioinjector-wm8731-audio
. Have you got on any plans on extending your set of overlays?
Yes, we are adding more device trees in the next release of the host OS!
Many of the device trees are tied to the specific kernel version, so we are updating the kernel which makes it a bigger change than just dropping the overly files on /boot
. Looks like meta-rasapberrypi, on which we are building already has the latest firmware (20161125, and that includes the overlay that you mention ). Will see with the team how’s the status of this update. I’m looking forward to a few overlays myself.
Now I’m missing another one (rpi-cirrus-wm5102
) that came with kernel version 4.9. I’m on Resin OS 2.3.0+rev1 that uses 4.4. When can I expect it to land in a stable Resin OS release and is there anything I can do to expedite?
Update: So I found https://github.com/resin-os/resin-raspberrypi/issues/120 and @floion responded there that a release with kernel 4.9 is on its way.