Monki Gras 2017

Today we are at Monki Gras in London, RedMonk’s annual UK conference about Software, Craft, and Experiences. Very interesting crowd, and looking forward to some good conversations. Also have a talk, keeping fingers crossed :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are here, let us know, would love to meet!

This went down pretty well today, I’m guessing based on the reactions of the Internets. :stuck_out_tongue:

If there’s a recording made available :movie_camera:, will post it here too.

It was a really good event, there wasn’t a talk where I haven’t picked up at least one or two pieces of insights, will have to rethink a couple of things. :thought_balloon:

Here’s our talk from the event, if anyone’s interested, pretty meta, but that’s Monki Gras :wink:

The slides are up on good Google Docs.