I have a balenaos gateway at home that i want to use for developement, however it is not connecting to the openabalena server (4 led bleeps followed by a pause) through my home router. I tried to connect it through my phone gsm connection (i set the phone as a wifi station) and that worked. So now i’m trying to figure out why the gateway cannot use my home router.
My home router was given to me by the internet provider and i have no access to it, to see if there are certain firewall settings. I could ask them, but i’m not sure what i should ask for, as from what i understand the balenaos gateway initiates the connection by itself, so there is no need for any ports to be open. Is it possible that the router is blocking outward connections to certain ports?
Also, is there some way to debug exactly what is causing the connection issues by looking at logs, client and serverside?