Good Starting Place for Local Balena Device UI

Hi @Mikhail,

That is exactly what is in the pipeline! It started with the Balena Device UI (GitHub - maggie0002/balena-device-ui: A UI for Balena devices.) and the intent is now to evolve that quickly in to a modular “ui-builder”, where you can customise what components you would like and where, and set branding and colours all through one .yaml configuration file. Going to really put the foot on the gas in doing this and it has lots of scope for features.

It is also the plan to move it in to the “balena-community” org (balena-community · GitHub) where you found the GitHub Action (Community built Github Deploy and Preload action) and evolve it in the same way by getting as much scope from everyone as possible throughout the build process, and to make it a community project where we can be agile, move quickly, get lots of contributions and input and ensure it serves all the different needs of different projects. The balena-community org is new and experimental, and all going to be based and shaped on how people respond or interact with it (or don’t) to see if it is something that will continue. My feeling is it has a ton of scope to get us all together around these common goals.

In that vein, it would be fantastic to get as much input as possible on the UI, and can be raised as issues on the current repository (GitHub - maggie0002/balena-device-ui: A UI for Balena devices.) which will be moved over to the community org when the shift happens. This could be anything from ideas, use cases, feature requests, brainstorming, even a spec for your own use case would be useful. It’s not to say I or the other community people will work on all of the feature requests, but that mass data is so vital in shaping it towards being most useful, ensuring there is space for those features in the future and so forth. I should ping @keenanjohnson here who started this thread to encourage the same input on the shape of a UI.

Watch this space, and if anyone has other ideas on things we could all work on together that fills a real collective need then do mention them on the forums (like your NFS idea), once they are out in the open there is tons of potential for us all to get involved and contribute to those that stick.

FYI, another user who contacted us last week for support was referred to your NFS Block and was very happy with the solution. Any feedback we get we will be sure to loop back in to the repository, although as you said yourself it’s working great already.