When I try to flash tails onto USB, I keep getting an error, even after verifying that the file is not corrupt. There error message is:
"Command failed: cmd/c “C/Users/astro/AppData/Local/Temp/etcher/balena etcher-electron-74325f2fa918.cmd”
cmd is not recognized as an internal or extrernal command,
operable program or batch file.
"…What can I do?
Hi @6.022x1023rd,
Thanks for reaching out.
Can you share the following with us:
- what version of Etcher you’re using
- which OS you’re running Etcher on
- pressing ctrl + shift + i and copy-pasting the console logs here for us and others to review
Thank you so much.
Yes i see that nobody has replied with the adiquet infromation if i could shre mine i am having the same problem, here is my information:
ETCHER FOR WINDOWS (X86 X64) (INSTALLER) ###### WINDOWS ###### X86 X64 Download
forums.balena.io-1719631235169.log (21.7 KB)