balenaEtcher.exe - Entry Point Not Found (Windows 10 x64)

Namaste Executive,

I was prompted for the ‘Update 1.5.51 available’ and, I downloaded the latest setup file for the Windows 10 OS installed on my laptop.

I first uninstalled the current version 1.4.9-x64. At the end of the installation, I encountered the below error. I tried installing as current user and, the ‘Run as Administrator’ option. Same error encountered for both attempts.


The application’s shortcut gets created on the Desktop. However, I encounter the same above error when I attempt to run the application.

Unlike the earlier version of setup (balenaEtcher-Setup-1.4.9-x64.exe), the latest version filename is balenaEtcher-Setup-1.5.51.exe. Is the latest executable common for both x86 and x64 systems?

Kindly assist.

Thanks | Regards,


An engineer from Etcher team will look into your issue.

Hello @dipen
The windows version of Etcher now uses the same executable for both x86 and x64 systems.
Are you using an x86 version of Windows?

Namaste @zvin,

Please find below the snapshot of my system details. It’s an x64 system. Hope it helps.


Thanks | Regards,

Interesting. Could you please try downloading the latest release here ?

Namaste @zvin,

Thanks for the new setup file. Regret to inform that I have encountered the original error, using the v1.5.52 release you have shared above.

Tried installing as a local user as well as, as an Administrator. No luck!

Thanks | Regards,
Dipen Shah

Hi Dipen,
Sorry, I can’t reproduce this issue. Does it work on other computers?

Namaste @zvin,

So, a couple of my colleagues we able to successfully install the latest release on their respective laptops (Windows 10 both, x64 and x32 systems).

Thank you for resolving the issue!

Thanks | Regards,

Namaste @zvin,

Attempted the installation after restarting my laptop and, it worked!

Thanks | Regards,

Hi Dipen,

Thanks for letting us know it’s all working for you now, great news. Let us know if we can be of further help in the future!

Best regards, Heds