BalenaEtcher destroyed 3 new USB drives

So I flashed a linux distro to 3 brand new a different USB drives and not each of those drives doesnt work in any way. Windows will not recognize them. They do not show up in diskpart, Disk Management, or minitool partition wizard.

This app used to work flawless (and not cost me $100 in stuff), What gives?

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Same thing happened to me. I already threw one flashdrive in the garbage. Just couldnt format it or use it.


This has been happening with this app for more than a year now. Is there a logical reason the devs don’t care? Is their goal the destruction of USB drives? Are they not smart enough to make it work? What’s the problem?

Im going back to Unetbootin. It works good

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This product is trash. Would not burn a simple 1.6gb linux iso onto a freshly formatted 2gb usb drive.

Just use Rufus and call it a day.


Hi folks

Can you share

  • the etcher version and the OS you are using it on
  • the logs when you flash unsuccessfully

Relevant logging output, if any, is available from DevTools, which you can open by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I or Cmd+Alt+I depending on your platform.

BalenaEtcher v1.7.8, portable, Windows 10.

The flashing isnt unsuccessful according to Etcher. It finishes just fine, only EVERY drive I use with it is dead afterwards.

I don’t have logs and I also don’t have any more USB drives to destroy in order to get them.

Same thing happened to me. I already threw one flashdrive in the garbage. Just couldnt format it or use it.

Before you do this, please read Etcher broke my USB stick … or did it?

This has been happening with this app for more than a year now. Is there a logical reason the devs don’t care? Is their goal the destruction of USB drives? Are they not smart enough to make it work? What’s the problem?

It’s not impossible, but highly unlikely etcher broke your USB drive, again, please read Etcher broke my USB stick … or did it?

This product is trash. Would not burn a simple 1.6gb linux iso onto a freshly formatted 2gb usb drive.

Just use Rufus and call it a day.

Can you expand on this? What do are you getting any errors? Or is the disk simply not working correctly after you flash it?

It’s not impossible , but highly unlikely etcher broke your USB drive, again, please read Etcher broke my USB stick … or did it?

I followed every step on this link, can you guess what happened? The drive still does not show up in diskpart.exe. It doesn’t show up in Linux. It doesn’t show up in Android. No computer OS can see these USB drives for a very important reason:


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As outlined in the article linked before,

“First and foremost, Etcher is completely incapable of “bricking” or killing a drive-- it just doesn’t have that kind of functionality. The application can only write the contents of the provided image file byte-by-byte to the storage medium on the chosen device.”

Or, simply put, the ultimate responsibility of actually writing the data is on the memory controller. The kind of loss you’re experiencing can only be explained by poor quality flash drives or user error. The devices can also be rendered unreadable by userland applications if their partition tables get corrupted.

Would you mind sharing the model of your drives and what you’re flashing so that we can reproduce the issue?

I have also been getting “Flash Failed” results, followed by my USB drive no longer being recognized in Windows. However, I am able to find the drive in Disk Management as a now unallocated drive and create a new partition on it so I can use it again.

I thought the issue was because my drive size was insufficient at 4 GB for the 3.6 GB Ubuntu file, so I bought a 32 GB drive. It still failed. I’m not quite sure once I’m in Dev Tools where to find the log you reference. It opens to HTML source code. I clicked on the console tab, where I see the below text, if that’s what you need. Also, I am now using a PNY 32 GB USB 2.0 drive on a Windows 10 Home x64 bit PC.
Flash results Object
gui.js:46 Fri Aug 12 2022 17:10:42 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) Done ({“image”:{“size”:3654957056,“name”:“ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso”,“hasMBR”:true,“partitions”:[{“offset”:32768,“size”:3650234368,“type”:“EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7”,“guid”:“A09DB2B8-B5F6-43AE-AFB2-91E0A90189A1”,“name”:“ISO9660”,“index”:1},{“offset”:3650267136,“size”:4349952,“type”:“C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B”,“guid”:“A09DB2B8-B5F6-43AE-AFB1-91E0A90189A1”,“name”:“Appended2”,“index”:2},{“offset”:3654617088,“size”:307200,“type”:“EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7”,“guid”:“A09DB2B8-B5F6-43AE-AFB0-91E0A90189A1”,“name”:“Gap1”,“index”:3}],“extension”:“iso”,“path”:“D:\Admin\Tech\SW\OS\Linux\ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso”},“drives”:[{“size”:31042043904,“isVirtual”:false,“enumerator”:“USBSTOR”,“logicalBlockSize”:512,“raw”:“\\.\PhysicalDrive2”,“error”:null,“isReadOnly”:false,“displayName”:“E:\”,“blockSize”:512,“isSCSI”:false,“isRemovable”:true,“device”:“\\.\PhysicalDrive2”,“busVersion”:“2.0”,“isSystem”:false,“busType”:“USB”,“isCard”:false,“isUSB”:true,“devicePath”:null,“mountpoints”:[{“path”:“E:\”}],“description”:“PNY USB 2.0 FD USB Device”,“isUAS”:false,“partitionTableType”:“mbr”}],“driveCount”:1,“uuid”:“0497b3c6-806f-431a-becb-773b7ed467eb”,“status”:“finished”,“flashInstanceUuid”:“0497b3c6-806f-431a-becb-773b7ed467eb”,“errors”:[{“name”:“Error”,“description”:“PNY USB 2.0 FD USB Device”,“code”:“EPERM”,“syscall”:“write”,“errno”:-4048,“device”:“\\.\PhysicalDrive2”}],“devices”:{“failed”:1,“successful”:0},“bytesWritten”:0,“sourceMetadata”:{“size”:3654957056,“name”:“ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso”,“blocks”:[{“blocks”:[{“offset”:0,“length”:3654957056}]}],“blockmappedSize”:3654957056},“sample”:0.1,“applicationSessionUuid”:“f35992ed-b42c-430f-b5a5-d6e2d1645b92”,“flashingWorkflowUuid”:“b24e4594-e7df-4d0b-9b51-693b46b6b7bc”})
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Hi, @silvrlibrarian, this is a permissions error and unrelated to this thread. It is preferable to start a new thread for a new topic.

However, can you try running Etcher as an administrator and see if this solves the problem?

I think my post is related to the thread because I have the same issue of the flash failing and being unable to use my USB drive thereafter. I’m not sure if the others are familiar with recognizing the drive as an unallocated space and creating a new partition on the drive through disk management to fix it after it appears to be bricked.

I happen to have more details than the others, allowing you to see a permissions error. Perhaps theirs is also a permissions error that further details might reveal. At all odds, I ran BalenaEtcher as admin, and the results were the same. The flash failed, and my drive partition was eliminated. Note that my user account is a Windows admin account (the pseudo admin of Win 10, not the true admin).

I tried again after disabling Windows Security ransomware protection, and the flash succeeded.

Ok, thanks for that info. I did not realize your drive appeared to be “bricked”, so maybe it is related. A few questions:

  • Is the source image on a network partition?
  • And can you post the logs after running as an administrator?
  • Does the flash fail immediately or in the middle of the write?
  • Are you trying the portable or installed version of Etcher?

I appreciate you taking the time to report this error and help diagnose the problem, maybe this will help prevent frustrated users like above.

It seems odd that you are getting a permissions error if Etcher, because if Etcher is unable to write to the device, it shouldn’t be able to overwrite the partitions.

If you have time, would you mind downloading an older version of Etcher and seeing if it works for you…if it’s a change that was made to the Etcher code, we should be able to track down where/what was changed. If not, it means it may be a change in the Windows OS causing the problem.

Format the drives using a Linux distro. Etcher is easy, but sadly the end result doesn’t play nice with Windows

looks like it killed two of my brand new thumbdrives as well. 64GB each. They showed up in finder window before no problem. After Etcher, they don’t show up.

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I just bought 3 new flash drives today, 64GB USB 3, Philips brand.
same thing happened to me. Plugging in the FDs at first, they would show up in the finder window (Mac 10.11.6- El Capitan) but after Etcher, they would no longer show up in the window. Unplugging and pluggin them back in made no difference. Turning the machine on and off made no difference. I was able to revive one by using Disk Utility, erasing and reformatting the drive but Etcher did not flash the dive with my disk image (Tails OS)

I just want to ask if our data will remain safe or not?