From the logs I see that NetworkManager does not indicate to find the connection profile file at all, which is very odd as it is listed there. Since you are using Windows to edit the file, maybe you can try setting the line endings of this file to Unix style - ‘\n’, not ‘\r\n’?
Note that the initial setup was done in Linux, I just used Windows for the last troubleshooting step (I may be on one or the other OS at different times of the day).
I will not buy any more gear at this stage.
That said, I will reflash it again from scratch, in linux, then change the logging tag, and start over fresh.
" NetworkManager does not indicate to find the connection profile file at all" This is much more than what we knew 2 days ago - thx a lot whatsover
Hey there! Can you show me the NetworkManager profile? The logs show a warning which hints some profile is setting wifi.hidden=yes. If your profile is setting that, then this might indicate that NetworkManager is detecting the profile, but its working for some reason. Otherwise, maybe some other profile is getting in between?
Aug 20 20:00:21 7c2991b NetworkManager[1394]: <warn> [1597917621.4156] device (wlan0): wifi-scan: active scanning for networks due to profiles with wifi.hidden=yes. This makes you trackable
Yeah, let’s try without it, and see if the warning log line I shared before disappears from the NetworkManager logs. If it does, then we know that NetworkManager is loading the profile, and that there is something else going on
Is there a way you can get into the device and inspect the contents of the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ directory? In particular, it’d be interesting to see if the profile you created ends up getting copied in there, and whether it is exactly the same file (i.e. you can calculate their respective checksums)
I can’t get in there whilst the pi is up - but I can get there “cold”.
Looks like it is copied there (edit : I wrote NO erroneously before)
the resin-wifi-01 under resin-state/root-overlay/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections$ is the same as the one under the boot partition.
what’s weird, is that the “sample” one in there exist both with a .ignore and without.
I’m gonna try to rename the sample on .ignore2
Jellyfish is asking for credentials but I don; think I need anything there?
As said mulitple times already the contents of resin-boot/system-connections/resin-wifi-01 match my network indeed
Hi there – apologies for the Jellyfish links. This is for our internal support system, and you can ignore those links.
We’re still looking into this and trying to figure out what could be going on here. In the meantime:
It looks like the NetworkManager logs you posted to have expired. Could we ask you to have a look at the journal files on your device and paste them again?
I wonder if it’s possible that you need to specify the country you’re in, in order for NetworkManager to configure WiFi correctly. Can you take a look at our documentation for this feature and see if it applies to you?