Why is Etcher so bloated?

The download size itself is almost 150 MB on Windows and after installation[and first run, when it has done no flashing yet], it takes 450 MB of disk space. Can you please tell us why you need 450 MB of disk space for? The linux distro I was trying to flash [Slax] was smaller in size, oh, which your software couldn’t flash. Isn’t Etcher just a fancy GUI for the Linux dd tool? Rufus on Windows is <2MB in portable form. That makes your software 200 times more bloated.

Etcher may have added additional features or functionalities over time to cater to a broader user base. While these features can be useful to some users, they may make the application feel more complex to others.

Etcher is build using Electron, most of it’s size comes to that.
It’s an open-source and free product that you’re free to use or don’t use.

It’s not “a fancy gui over dd”, it works way faster then dd.

That being said, Slax is not bootable because the Slax image is not bootable.
We purposefully don’t alter the image that we transfer to the device.