When i use Balena sound in my home wifi dropped

My wi-fi router is asus rt-ac58u

when i try balena sound at home wifi connect drop soon.

i can’t stay connect each pis

their status turn to Online (Heartbeat Only) and I can’t handle this

when i tryed at my office at school i could do it

what is problem would be?..

firewall? portforwading?..

Hello, can you clarify a bit what devices are being dropped by your wifi? Is it only your balena device? Or any other devices too (smartphones, computers)?

@tmigone Hello :smile: only balena sound modules with pi 4s are dropped . OS is latest dev version. with lan cable it works. i have nothing changed with router option from buying only but portfowarding for my plex media server. that is all.

I see! This is strange indeed. Is this happening with a single pi 4 board? Or with many?

@tmigone both. single or multuple pis it happens…

would you be able to try running only a single pi, expressively disabling multi room support using DISABLE_MULTI_ROOM (have a look at the project readme)

@robertgzr @tmigone I tried with another wifi router and it worked. so. I knew there some reason somting that i should do something with asus router wifi setting. after work I will try make a screen shot of my wifi router setting thanks.

Hey, glad that it worked with another router. Let us know if you find what exactly caused the devices to get dropped, it might be helpful for others who stumble upon a similar issue. Thanks!