Verification Failed Tilt Hydrometer Raspberry Pi Zero W

I am trying to flash an image on etcher 1.4.9 because I had a similar issue on 1.5.11. from this link [Digital Downloads ( At the end of the verification it fails each time. I have reformatted the SD card, check to see if it was compromised and even placed my norton auto protect on pause. This is the error code I keep receiving. Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated!

\.\PhysicalDrive1: Verification failed:

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Hey @BrewDog86 welcome to the forums! Sorry if this is a very basic question but have you tried a different SD card? Avoiding failing SD cards is one of the key reasons that verification exists within Etcher - a card could look like it’s working completely fine but be have small areas that are failing.

I did. I tried a different sd card that worked for me previously and ran into the same issue.

I’ve downloaded the image and tested it here and it flashed/verified OK so at least we can be sure it’s not some incompatibility with Etcher itself. What you can also try is removing any USB hubs the setup and/or a different SD card reader. You’re definitely correct to disable Norton as that can interfere too.

You may also be able to see more information about the error by viewing the console log within Etcher - it’s ctrl-shift-i to open this.

You can of course skip the verification and see if the app/image works OK without it - chances are it will if you’re sure the SD card is good.

So I went out and picked up a brand new micro SD card and am still running into the same issue as I did with the other ones. Here is the message I see when I hit ctrl - shift - i:

Wed Feb 17 2021 13:47:15 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Verifying 1 devices, 99% at 10.4 MB/s (total 10.4 MB/s) eta in 0.24050632911392406s with 0 failed devices
C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Programs\balena-etcher\resources\app.asar\node_modules\raven-js\dist\r…:58 Wed Feb 17 2021 13:47:16 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Validation error ({"applicationSessionUuid":"dee668d4-718b-4a3f-b8d2-e47ed7220cbc","flashingWorkflowUuid":"de9eb7e9-caf2-4cfb-9f56-1de741fec252","flashInstanceUuid":"4fe0f474-80ba-4c1a-a0b6-ae724207febf","image":"C:\\Users\\David\\Downloads\\tiltpi2-buster-Jan21.img.gz","drives":["\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1"],"driveCount":1,"uuid":"4fe0f474-80ba-4c1a-a0b6-ae724207febf","unmountOnSuccess":true,"validateWriteOnSuccess":true})
C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Programs\balena-etcher\resources\app.asar\node_modules\raven-js\dist\r…:58 Wed Feb 17 2021 13:47:16 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Flashing 0 devices, 100% at 0 MB/s (total 0 MB/s) eta in 0s with 1 failed devices Finish: 3965190144
C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Programs\balena-etcher\resources\app.asar\node_modules\raven-js\dist\r…:58 Flash results Object
C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Programs\balena-etcher\resources\app.asar\node_modules\raven-js\dist\r…:58 Terminating IPC server
C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Programs\balena-etcher\resources\app.asar\node_modules\raven-js\dist\r…:58 Wed Feb 17 2021 13:47:18 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Done ({"errors":[{"name":"Error","code":"EVALIDATION","device":"\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1"}],"devices":{"successful":0,"failed":1},"status":"started","image":"C:\\Users\\David\\Downloads\\tiltpi2-buster-Jan21.img.gz","drives":["\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1"],"driveCount":1,"uuid":"4fe0f474-80ba-4c1a-a0b6-ae724207febf","flashInstanceUuid":"4fe0f474-80ba-4c1a-a0b6-ae724207febf","unmountOnSuccess":true,"validateWriteOnSuccess":true,"applicationSessionUuid":"dee668d4-718b-4a3f-b8d2-e47ed7220cbc","flashingWorkflowUuid":"de9eb7e9-caf2-4cfb-9f56-1de741fec252"})
C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Programs\balena-etcher\resources\app.asar\node_modules\raven-js\dist\r…:58 etcher:sdk:scanner start +16m true
C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Programs\balena-etcher\resources\app.asar\node_modules\raven-js\dist\r…:58 Wed Feb 17 2021 13:47:18 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Navigate ({"to":"success","from":"main","applicationSessionUuid":"dee668d4-718b-4a3f-b8d2-e47ed7220cbc"})

If you’re using Windows and flashing an image that has partitions Windows can read, it may be the same issue as Checksums do not match - #82 by zvin .
So the image was flashed correctly but Windows wrote some files to the drive before the validation finished, changing its checksum.
The drive will most probably work fine for its purpose.

Unrelated to this issue, you should update Etcher, 1.4.9 is quite old.

Thank you for the input Alexis. I chose the 1.4.9 because I saw that someone else had a similar problem with the most recent version of etcher and when they downgraded to 1.4.9 it worked perfectly fine. I appreciate the explanation it has been helpful. It’s looking like my issue with running the program is originating elsewhere.