Working through this tutorial ( and I’m stuck at pushing the image to the rapberry pi. Everything is hooked up, and looks ok (using most up to date balena CLI), but when I run “balena push AirQuality” with debug enabled, I get this output:
PS C:\Users\Jason\git\balena-sense> balena push AirQuality
[Info] Starting build for AirQuality, user gh_jkrasnits
[Info] Dashboard link:
[Info] Building on arm01
[Info] Pulling previous images for caching purposes…
[Success] Successfully pulled cache images
[sensor] Step 1/6 : FROM balenalib/raspberrypi3-python:3-build
[influxdb] Step 1/4 : FROM balenalib/raspberrypi3-alpine
[grafana] Step 1/8 : FROM balenalib/raspberrypi3
[sensor] —> d824a894eef3
[sensor] Step 2/6 : RUN pip install smbus bme680 influxdb
[sensor] Using cache
[sensor] —> ce02a272ad01
[sensor] Step 3/6 : WORKDIR /usr/src/app
[sensor] Using cache
[sensor] —> 0f084ff109bb
[sensor] Step 4/6 : COPY ./scripts ./scripts
[sensor] Using cache
[sensor] —> d6d9f5491b8b
[sensor] Step 5/6 : RUN chmod +x scripts/.py
[sensor] Using cache
[sensor] —> e6f5513bf180
[sensor] Step 6/6 : CMD /usr/src/app/scripts/
[sensor] Using cache
[sensor] —> ddbfa030244e
[sensor] Successfully built ddbfa030244e
[influxdb] —> 98684e4a8503
[influxdb] Step 2/4 : RUN apk add influxdb
[influxdb] Using cache
[influxdb] —> f491f5d7a350
[influxdb] Step 3/4 : RUN sed -i ‘s|/var/lib/influxdb|/data/influxdb|g’ /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
[influxdb] Using cache
[influxdb] —> 06f28fefc153
[influxdb] Step 4/4 : CMD influxd
[influxdb] Using cache
[influxdb] —> 9041a31df86d
[influxdb] Successfully built 9041a31df86d
[grafana] —> 84bc121815d6
[grafana] Step 2/8 : COPY ./grafana.ini /usr/share/grafana/conf/custom.ini
[grafana] Using cache
[grafana] —> 72850440e1cd
[grafana] Step 3/8 : COPY ./provisioning /usr/src/app/provisioning
[grafana] Using cache
[grafana] —> 2c7cd8048ddb
[grafana] Step 4/8 : COPY ./.sh /usr/src/app/
[grafana] Using cache
[grafana] —> 3e712976af1d
[grafana] Step 5/8 : RUN install_packages fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core libfontconfig1 ucf jq
[grafana] Using cache
[grafana] —> 754b0d982503
[grafana] Step 6/8 : RUN chmod +x /usr/src/app/ && /usr/src/app/ “raspberrypi3”
[grafana] —> Running in 16e1a605f41f
[grafana] /bin/sh: 1: /usr/src/app/ not found
[grafana] Removing intermediate container 16e1a605f41f
[Info] Uploading images
[grafana] The command ‘/bin/sh -c chmod +x /usr/src/app/ && /usr/src/app/ “raspberrypi3”’ returned a non-zero code: 127
[Success] Successfully uploaded images
[Error] Some services failed to build:
[Error] Service: undefined
[Error] Error: Information not available
[Error] Service: grafana
[Error] Error: The command ‘/bin/sh -c chmod +x /usr/src/app/ && /usr/src/app/ “raspberrypi3”’ returned a non-zero code: 127
[Error] Service: undefined
[Error] Error: Information not available
[Error] Not deploying release.
Remote build failed
Any help on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated, thanks!