Unable to flash Linux ISO file in pen drive

Hi community!
It’s been very exciting to try all the new releases and updates on live USB. So in order to try that, I bring the 15 GB pen drive and tried to flash the Linux Mint iso file on it.
But I got this error multiple times even after formatting the pen drive.

I hope community will surely have some solution.

I’m having the exact same issue. Never ever had a problem. All usb drives for my NAS are the same maker and size. All Linux OS for my NAS. I could only get it to work if I deleted all partitions and formatted them to ext4 first. I even cloned a drive, took the target out and try to re-clone it and got the same error. Tried 2 computers. Same error. Something is wrong with the latest version. Wish I saved one of the older versions!!


Any thoughts from the team??


They are not going to answer.

I had tried ho manually flash using commands in Terminal. Here is the link of article.

It really helped me.

Thanks. I realized Balena doesn’t support. Looking to clone, not burn a iso. Thanks though.

HAVE SWITCHED TO DISK GENUIS!!! Works great and support that answers you. Great switch from Etcher that even version 2 has same error. Goodbye Balena!