Troubleshooting Livepush Not Working in Balena Local Mode: Changes Not Reflecting on Device

I’m working with local mode on Balena and trying to push my code to the device using the balena CLI. However, I’m encountering an issue where the code doesn’t seem to update on the device as expected. When I push the code using balena push, the changes are detected, but the container isn’t rebuilt or updated in real-time. I’ve verified that local mode is enabled and that I’m connected to the correct device, but the changes aren’t being applied until I manually restart the device, which defeats the purpose of local mode.

I came across this guide locally Develop | balena that mentions the Livepush feature, which should rebuild only the necessary parts of the container, but it’s not working in my case. Instead, it seems like the old container is still running, and I’m unable to see the updated changes.

Here is the code I’m using to push the changes to the device:

# Pushing code to the local device
balena push

# Running with --detached flag to avoid console logs
balena push --detached

I’ve tried using the --detached flag with balena push to prevent the console logs from being outputted, but that didn’t resolve the issue. I also tried using balena device logs to check for any errors, but the logs seem normal:

# Checking logs from the device
balena device logs

Has anyone experienced this problem? Is there a configuration or setting I might be missing to ensure that Livepush works as expected, or is there another method I can use to troubleshoot the issue?