@smagness that should absolutely be working as you expect; the live update is an awesome feature and should reflect that change almost instantly. Can you share your Dockerfile so we can take a look?
Hi @smagness, I tested your setup with a RPi4 running balenaOS 2.44.0+rev3 and supervisor 10.3.7 and also with a RPi3 running balenaOS 2.43.0+rev1 and supervisor 10.2.2. It works totally fine as expected on my end.
The default supervisor version that comes with balenaOS 2.44.0+rev3 is 10.3.7. I downloaded it from the balenaCloud dashboard. How did you install the supervisor version 10.2.2 with the OS 2.44?
Could you test your scenario again with the version balenaOS 2.44.0+rev3 on RPi4 or balenaOS 2.43.0+rev1 on RPi3?
I tried again with a clean SD card. I created a new application and a new device with no source and then put the device straight into local mode once it came online in balenaCloud. From my Windows machine I then do 'balena push ’ and the same problem occurs - when I change main.py the console suggests it has noticed the change and restarts the container, but the change has not been effected.
If I then disconnect (Ctrl + C) and re-run 'balena push ’ I continue to get “hello balena!” briefly and then after 5-10 seconds it does kill the service and spin up a new one with the new code (“hello world!”):
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:44] [main] Hello balena!
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:45] [main] Hello balena!
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:46] [main] Hello balena!
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:47] [main] Hello balena!
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:48] [main] Hello balena!
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:51] Service exited 'main sha256:bb2b99b095e9e949c6ec0788288f9a75cd8c69af3fcc9061356d63fdb02b1b7f'
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:51] Killed service 'main sha256:bb2b99b095e9e949c6ec0788288f9a75cd8c69af3fcc9061356d63fdb02b1b7f'
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:52] Installing service 'main sha256:f192dd8f2e6e174467fc18b187903465e8696a9b2b4c270e5279d45753bdf302'
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:52] Installed service 'main sha256:f192dd8f2e6e174467fc18b187903465e8696a9b2b4c270e5279d45753bdf302'
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:52] Starting service 'main sha256:f192dd8f2e6e174467fc18b187903465e8696a9b2b4c270e5279d45753bdf302'
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:54] Started service 'main sha256:f192dd8f2e6e174467fc18b187903465e8696a9b2b4c270e5279d45753bdf302'
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:54] [main] Hello world!
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Logs] [2019-11-14 10:37:55] [main] Hello world!
Hi Steve, I think the [Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms logs seem to indicate it can’t get the state of the device. Could you describe your windows set up a bit more, most interesting to us would be what Windows version and what terminal/console you are using to run balena push?
Oh sorry, I actually just found that there is a known issue with livepush on windows (see github issue: https://github.com/balena-io-modules/livepush/issues/55 ) where it can’t handle copying properly from the filesystem because of the windows paths. We are trying to prioritise fixing this currently. Sorry about that!
Hi just updating this thread that the issue linked in the previous post just closed and the fix will make it’s way into an upcoming release of balena-cli, see here: https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/pull/1538