The balena ADS-B Thread

restartign the container appears to have cleared any issues and I’m showing green online again

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Does this persistently update the docker container for Wingbits? If it’s a docker image won’t it just revert to older pulled image on restart?

Is there a supported way of updating the Wingbits docker image version in this distribution?

Just to add, running the update commands in my wingbits container terminal completely borked it and it will no longer start. Not sure how to fix it without completely reinstalling the packages from scratch.

Edit: Found my answer in the Git discussions.


Just for anyone else looking, the answer to this is here:

Additionally, there is a few ways of how to automatically update the system each time an update is pushed to the balena-ads-b repo using GitHub actions etc. It is relatively simple to do if you know your way around balena and GitHub but for those that don’t I’ll try and find time to put together a quick guide for it.


Thanks for reaching out, @mah!

I have now created a feature request for this on balena-ads-b’s GitHub page. You can track it here: [FEATURE REQUEST] Relay station support · Issue #109 · ketilmo/balena-ads-b · GitHub

Hi Ketil,

I completely understand your request as I faced a similar issue myself. I was able to address it by implementing custom filters in the balena ADS-B project. Specifically, I added a filter to track flights based on altitude and range from my location. I found that integrating these filters required modifying some of the project’s configuration files and scripts to accommodate the new parameters.

If you’re interested, I’d be happy to share more details about the modifications I made or guide you through the process.

Sounds like a cool feature!

Hi all,
first of all thanks the project.

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this.

I’ve a problem, with my rasp 4 and 1090 receiver.

I started using it with adsbexchange feed client and it works super, now i’d like to move to balena adsb, I load everything all the services seems to work properly, but plane are not received. If i change the the SD card and reboot it with adsbexchange client it work perfectly. Any help?



Hi Simone,

Thanks for using balena-ads-b. Have you migrated all the settings from your install, and added the necessary variables? Do you see anything in the logs?

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I’ve followed the guide step by step I think the problem is in some setting of the SDR

From the Log I see for example: piaware 0 msgs recv’d from the ADS-B data program at dump1090-fa/30005 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware

I am getting this logs continous, what really mean this…
tar1090 /run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init: fatal: stopping the container.
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service libseccomp2: stopping
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service 09-rtlsdr-biastee: stopping
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service libseccomp2 successfully stopped
tar1090 [2025-01-30 16:14:42.284][09-rtlsdr-biastee-down] Device type is not rtlsdr, skipping…
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service 09-rtlsdr-biastee successfully stopped
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
tar1090 s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped

My Wingbits container is running an old version so the ‘wingbits’ commands don’t work and the Geosigner isn’t ‘seen’. I’ve created a new device with latest as the deploy button no longer works. Anything else I can try?

Ok, installed CLI and performed push. wingbits status command shows everything is failed, however stations page on web shows online and geosigner green ticked with serial number, so guess this is ok for now?

@sadeedp these errors are not a problem. See GitHub issue here s6 service errors in tar1090 container · Issue #250 · ketilmo/balena-ads-b · GitHub

@rtype23 wingbits status won’t work on balena as it doesn’t use systemctl

You can use wingbits geosigner info instead