For a few weeks now, the Balena dashboard “track latest” release feature doesn’t seem to be working for our fleet. It always pushes a several-months-old release to our devices, even though we have many much newer releases. Are there any suggestions on how to debug this?
Hello @kodali first of all welcome to the balena community!
Could you please share more details of this or a screenshot?
Hello @kodali,
Are you sure your devices are not specifically pinned to a release?
Yes, I actually have to manually pin my devices to the latest release now, because “track latest” doesn’t work:
Are you still facing this issue? I tried pinning releases first to an old release and then to the latest release, and it did pin back to my latest release.
For pinning releases, there are device and fleet-level release pinning.
Can you check if your device has been pinned to a release on the fleet level instead. This could be a scenario where “track latest” for the device may not be working because the fleet has been pinned to a particular release already.
Ah that was exactly the issue, the fleet was pinned to an old release, so “track latest” wasn’t working at the device level. Thanks!
Thank you for informing us! The naming is slightly confusing because the devices are tracking latest but whatever is pinned for the fleet.
We could possibly have track latest and show the user that the fleet’s release being tracked. Would love to have your thoughts present on a feature request if you like to open one and suggest us an improvement if we can do to make this clearer Feature Requests
Glad it worked out for you!