synchronisation between modemmanger and networkmanager For EC20 LTE .

Hi team ,
1) We are getting IP using modemmanager (mmcli -b 0) , but the LTE interface is showing unmanaged in NetworkManager (nmcli device ) command .
not getting ip in ifconfig command.

2) when we are creating a new connection for module using nmcli commands  that connection also not active in (nmcli c show ) command .
   I am not getting what is the issue


Can you please provide some more details on how you are setting your modem and on which device please?
Have you taken a look at the docs here: ?


Hi ,
Setting module configuration using mmcli commands . Our deivece is quectel EC20 LTE module .

  1. List down cellular modems :-
    mmcli -L

2)Enable cellular modules :-
mmcli -m 0 -e

3)See status of module :-
mmcli -m 0

4)Establish a cellular connection :-
mmcli -m 0 –simple-connect=”apn=internet”

5)Information about bearers :-
mmcli -b 0

We are running these commands , till here eveything is fine , but when we are giving
NetworkManager (nmcli )commands , like in nmcli device commands ; our LTE module interface is showing unmanaged/unavailable . and we are not getting ip in ifconfig (wwan0 interface )also .

Hi there, is is possible for you to enable support access and share the device ID so we can take a quick look?