Status VPN only

Hello, good morning, here I am again having problems :disappointed_relieved:getting my Gateway, Rasberry Pi HAT, RAK 2247 online, the balanea services have been established and work fine, many thanks to @Marc Pous @Xose Perez, but now the device is It remains in status (VPN Only) or (Heartbeat Only) and after a while it remains (Off line), I restarted it several times and the same thing always happens.

Understanding that it is a problem generated by internet providers at a local level, due to conflicts of public IPs that are assigned to device traffic, could someone advise me, if this has a solution, if from Balena, an address can be added (Cloud VPN) so that the traffic generates safely and Balena always recognizes the device.

Hola buenos días, aquí estoy nuevamente con problemas para poner en línea mi Gateway, Rasberry Pi HAT, RAK 2247 los servicios de balanea se han establecido y trabajan bien, muchas gracias a @Marc Pous @Xose Perez, pero ahora el dispositivo se queda en status (VPN Only) o (Heartbeat Only) y después de un tiempo queda (Off line), lo he reiniciado varias veces y siempre pasa lo mismo.

Entiendo que es un problema generado por los proveedores de internet a nivel local, por conflictos de los IP públicos que se asignan al tráfico de dispositivo, alguien me podría asesorar, si esto tiene solución, si desde Balena, se puede agregar una dirección (Cloud VPN) para que el tráfico genere de manera segura y Balena, siempre reconozca al dispositivo.

Captura de pantalla 2022-10-23 095251

any suggestion?

Have you set up your firewall/router to allow all the ports and balena-cloud?

Thank you very much Rose, here in my country, “Nicaragua” we have many deficiencies with home internet providers, they frequently change the IP and the channels that our accounts use, causing the devices to crash, I have a question, if I can connect my device a Rasberry Pi 3 with a Hat RAK 2247, Lorabasicsatation with the data of my cell phone, can the ports be configured from the terminal of my device in Balena? in this way the device connects to the Balena API and does not block it when a port change is generated ?

Hi Rose, how can I configure my device to allow all ports, I am using the Deploys a LoRaWAN gateway with LoRa Basics™ Station Packet Forward protocol on SX1301, SX1302, SX1303 or SX1308 LoRa concentrators, developed by Xose Perez.

I don’t have one to test specific requests for you but it looks like you should send a request to the station with port configurations: Semtech LoRa Cloud as described in Routing the data here:
Let us know if that works!

#status asked how to set up ports on LoRaWAN gateway. Sent documentation regarding port configuration request. #pendinguserresponse

Hi were you able to set up your ports with the network documentation?