Show tunnel IP in BalenaCloud


Is there a possibility to show a private tunnel IP in the Balena Cloud UI? And how can this be achieved?

Kind regards,

Hi @Clint

Could you please provide more details about your setup?

Do you have a device that’s running balenaOS and have a separate interface and you would like to show the ip on balenaCloud dashboard? Did I understand this correctly?

The “Local IP Address” section on the summary card in the balenaCloud dashboard shows IP addresses reported by the supervisor. This is how we retrieve addresses. However, we exclude addresses from interfaces listed here

If I’m still on the right track, I believe you can have a separate container alongside your other services. You can inspect the IP address from the services and then use balena SDK or API to add a tag to the device.

hope this helps

Thanks a lot, our interface was called “tun0” which is in the list of excluded interfaces. Renaming the interface solved our issue.

It would be good if this behavior is described somewhere in the docs.

Kind regards,