RPi 3B+ no audio from 3.5mm jack

Hi all,
I just deployed Balena Sound using the “deploy with balena” button and then moved my device into this application. My device is Raspberry PI 3B 32bit.

I’m not getting any audio from the 3.5mm jack to my stereo. Just to be sure the issue isn’t with my stereo I plugged the 3.5mm into another device and no problems.

I set the environmental variable SOUND_OUTPUT to RPI_HEADPHONES to try and force audio to the 3.5mm but still nothing.

Here are my logs after a clean boot and trying to play something via Spotify and then Airplay.

22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installing service 'multiroom-client sha256:bd78159f26524df55c9e0d350c60baed67fb6c689347c6cdb61366a2c4883ce1'

22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installing service 'multiroom-server sha256:91fe20244a2d483f5ab259883c3918d13249502a7cf97e1adc15051b22e88db8'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installing service 'airplay sha256:1dbdd557de508c70c826697292b578840bc9e5c99bad4c79c997448d271057e2'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installing service 'bluetooth sha256:2dc6a2f822076006326a624244dc8aeb737d83065743c9533a1531316e5b3846'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installing service 'spotify sha256:618285c8ef3094cc51c9229f92d784b820d4c816510ad4625383f06c05edbe3f'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100)  sound-supervisor  Error connecting to audio block - Retry failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installed service 'multiroom-server sha256:91fe20244a2d483f5ab259883c3918d13249502a7cf97e1adc15051b22e88db8'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Starting service 'multiroom-server sha256:91fe20244a2d483f5ab259883c3918d13249502a7cf97e1adc15051b22e88db8'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installed service 'multiroom-client sha256:bd78159f26524df55c9e0d350c60baed67fb6c689347c6cdb61366a2c4883ce1'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Starting service 'multiroom-client sha256:bd78159f26524df55c9e0d350c60baed67fb6c689347c6cdb61366a2c4883ce1'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installed service 'bluetooth sha256:2dc6a2f822076006326a624244dc8aeb737d83065743c9533a1531316e5b3846'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Starting service 'bluetooth sha256:2dc6a2f822076006326a624244dc8aeb737d83065743c9533a1531316e5b3846'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installed service 'airplay sha256:1dbdd557de508c70c826697292b578840bc9e5c99bad4c79c997448d271057e2'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Starting service 'airplay sha256:1dbdd557de508c70c826697292b578840bc9e5c99bad4c79c997448d271057e2'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Installed service 'spotify sha256:618285c8ef3094cc51c9229f92d784b820d4c816510ad4625383f06c05edbe3f'
22.10.20 23:33:57 (+0100) Starting service 'spotify sha256:618285c8ef3094cc51c9229f92d784b820d4c816510ad4625383f06c05edbe3f'
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  audio  cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  audio  cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  audio  cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  audio  cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  audio  cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100) Started service 'bluetooth sha256:2dc6a2f822076006326a624244dc8aeb737d83065743c9533a1531316e5b3846'
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  Running balena base image entrypoint...
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  --- Bluetooth ---
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  Starting bluetooth service with settings:
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  - Device name: balenaOS 3b0e
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  - HCI interface: hci0
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  - Pairing mode: SSP
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  - PIN code: 0000
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  Available HCI interfaces: hci0
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  Resetting hci0
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  Configuring selected interface: hci0
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  hci0 Set Connectable complete, settings: powered connectable ssp br/edr le secure-conn 
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  hci0 Set Bondable complete, settings: powered connectable bondable ssp br/edr le secure-conn 
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  hci0 Set Discoverable complete, settings: powered connectable discoverable bondable ssp br/edr le secure-conn 
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  hci0 Set Secure Simple Pairing complete, settings: powered connectable discoverable bondable ssp br/edr le secure-conn 
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  bluetooth  Pairing mode set to 'Secure Simple Pairing Mode (SSPM)'. PIN code is NOT required.
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  audio  Setting audio routing rules. Note that this can be changed after startup.
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  audio  Routing 'balena-sound.input' to 'balena-sound.output'.
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100) Started service 'spotify sha256:618285c8ef3094cc51c9229f92d784b820d4c816510ad4625383f06c05edbe3f'
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  spotify  Starting Spotify plugin...
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  spotify  Device name: balenaSound Spotify 3b0e
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  spotify  [2020-10-22T22:34:00Z INFO  librespot] librespot (raspotify v0.14.0) 6aac8a6 (2020-07-24). Built on 2020-07-26. Build ID: wPNyqn0m
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  spotify  [2020-10-22T22:34:00Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP "gew1-accesspoint-b-dz13.ap.spotify.com:4070"
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  audio  Routing 'balena-sound.output' to '0'.
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  audio  W: [pulseaudio] main.c: This program is not intended to be run as root (unless --system is specified).
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100) Started service 'airplay sha256:1dbdd557de508c70c826697292b578840bc9e5c99bad4c79c997448d271057e2'
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  airplay  Starting AirPlay plugin...
22.10.20 23:34:00 (+0100)  airplay  Device name: balenaSound AirPlay 3b0e
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  spotify  [2020-10-22T22:34:01Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Authenticated as "pearcejack1" !
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  spotify  [2020-10-22T22:34:01Z INFO  librespot_playback::audio_backend::alsa] Using alsa sink
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  spotify  [2020-10-22T22:34:01Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Country: "GB"
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  audio  W: [pulseaudio] server-lookup.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  audio  W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100) Started service 'multiroom-client sha256:bd78159f26524df55c9e0d350c60baed67fb6c689347c6cdb61366a2c4883ce1'
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  multiroom-client  Starting multi-room client...
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  multiroom-client  Mode: STANDALONE
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  multiroom-client  Target snapcast server:
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  multiroom-client  Multi-room client disabled. Exiting...
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  bluetooth  Bluetooth agent started!
22.10.20 23:34:02 (+0100) Started service 'multiroom-server sha256:91fe20244a2d483f5ab259883c3918d13249502a7cf97e1adc15051b22e88db8'
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  multiroom-server  Starting multi-room server...
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  multiroom-server  Mode: STANDALONE
22.10.20 23:34:01 (+0100)  multiroom-server  Multi-room server disabled. Exiting...
22.10.20 23:34:03 (+0100) Service exited 'multiroom-client sha256:bd78159f26524df55c9e0d350c60baed67fb6c689347c6cdb61366a2c4883ce1'
22.10.20 23:34:03 (+0100) Service exited 'multiroom-server sha256:91fe20244a2d483f5ab259883c3918d13249502a7cf97e1adc15051b22e88db8'
22.10.20 23:34:05 (+0100)  airplay  Waiting for audioblock to start...
22.10.20 23:34:07 (+0100)  sound-supervisor  Connected to PulseAudio at
22.10.20 23:34:07 (+0100)  sound-supervisor  Server protocol version: 33
22.10.20 23:34:07 (+0100)  sound-supervisor  Client protocol version: 33
22.10.20 23:34:10 (+0100)  airplay  Waiting for audioblock to start...
22.10.20 23:34:11 (+0100)  airplay  Shairport-sync started. Device is discoverable as balenaSound AirPlay 3b0e
22.10.20 23:34:47 (+0100)  spotify  [2020-10-22T22:34:47Z INFO  librespot_playback::player] Loading <Renegade> with Spotify URI <spotify:track:0eK5y1c7WDyWwx6k9SFjbT>
22.10.20 23:34:47 (+0100)  spotify  [2020-10-22T22:34:47Z INFO  librespot_playback::player] <Renegade> (337760 ms) loaded
22.10.20 23:34:47 (+0100)  spotify  [2020-10-22T22:34:47Z INFO  librespot_connect::spirc] Resolved 50 tracks from <"spotify:station:track:2iveqBUOzQlQBSxgAlK0bs">


Can you recheck that you are indeed using the 32 bit balenaOS for your Pi3? This should be visible in your device dashboard.
The reason why I am asking you to double check is that there’s a known issue with Pi3 running the 64 bit OS
See our troubleshooting guide for more info on that - https://sound.balenalabs.io/docs/support#troubleshooting

If indeed you are using the 32 bit OS, then I’d be happy to take a closer look at your device because this definitely shouldn’t be happening