Roadmap for BalenaOS Updates in OpenBalena

@KyrosMatt, @KingRial, sorry for the delay - a previous reply to this thread failed to be synced here because of an issue with our support software.

We are working to make host OS upgrades easier on openBalena. Meanwhile, the following example shows how to upgrade the host OS and the supervisor by running some commands on the host OS itself.

For example, assuming a Raspberry Pi 3 running balenaOS version v2.26.0 that should be upgraded to version v2.29.0, the first command to run (on a host OS shell) is:

  • hostapp-update -r -i resin/resinos:2.31.0_rev1-raspberrypi3

The names of host OS images (such as “resin/resinos:2.31.0_rev1-raspberrypi3”) can be found on the Docker Hub:
Please select the highest available image “revision”, e.g. ‘rev3’ in preference to ‘rev2’ or ‘rev1’.

Then the balena supervisor needs to be updated as well. For example, the command to update the supervisor to version v9.9.0 (to be executed on a host OS shell) is:

  • update-resin-supervisor -t v9.9.0

Although the balena supervisor can be updated independently of balenaOS, we test selected versions of the supervisor with balenaOS releases, so it’s a good idea to use those supervisor versions. Search the meta-balena ChangeLog for “supervisor” to find out the supervisor version that goes together with a balenaOS version.

WARNING: for anyone reading this post, these instructions only apply to openBalena. If using balenaCloud, or if you are unsure, please upgrade the host OS through the web dashboard.