revert back to pre-1.5 UI/rendition

Hello Balena fam,

how can we revert back to the pre-1.5 ui.
we had everything for a device unified for a single device, on the device page.
now to be able to action this device, we need to open a new tab just to enable/disable public url or enable/disable local mode.
this is, imo, a massive regression.
it marks against one of Balena’s major selling points, ease of use.
it has now become less easy to use:/

Don’t get me wrong, having a unified settings/action page is also fine, but why remove the quick-settings drop-down menu? at least, can we make it an option for those who want it?



See related thread: Reboot and Restart options no longer on the dashboard

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Thanks for letting us know @puccaso - I replied on the other thread and also pinged you in.

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