The latest UI update is having an unwanted side effect. We like to scroll through our devices. The change to the side menu (long back) was quite a big change.
Now with the summary page being first , it gets quite annoying to have to click more. If you have a device open and want to go to another device, you have to click the application (one up), however, this does not bring you back to the device list but the summary page. Where you have to click devices again.
As a feature request: A quick go back to the device list would be nice.
Thanks for your feedback on this.
I’ve raised an internal issue to track this and have associated this thread with it so that we can let you know once a related change gets released.
In the mean time the only workaround I can suggest is to use the browser back button, which after moving from the device list to the device itself, should return you back to the device list.
I support this request. I immediately found the summary page annoying and I still don’t like it.
The back button workaround does not cut it, I want to see my list of devices as the default landing page, whenever I switch to an application.
@krix thank you for including your feedback as well. I’m including it in the greater discussion about UI preferences internally. We have a lot to think about, as each of our customers have differing preferences for how they like their UI to be structured, but the more feedback we receive, the better idea we have for what might accommodate the majority of users. So thank you again for sharing.
I also support this request. As a daily Balena Dashboard user, the summary page just gives me no additional info (I know which architecture my device is running on ) and does not speed up any of my actions. The “Create Release” or “Add Device” Buttons on the summary page are not actions I need frequently, especially not in automated production environments.
The most important page for me is the device list within an application and I really like the way it can be configured individually (e. g. with Device Metrics). As the initial post said, jumping between devices within the same application is one of the most frequent tasks and just takes a lot longer now.
Thank you for the additional feedback! We are just wrapping up a no-scheduled meetings week but I would expect to see this topic on the agenda in the next few discussions so having the perspectives of multiple users is very valuable!
I also support this request. Switching through different stages like DEV, STG and PROD takes much longer, no function of the summary page is usefull at this point and the non-functional elements, like the non-clickable device counter makes it even more annoying
Like other users, I find this change very annoying. Along with constantly reminding me that there is a newer version of dashbaord available, which does not add any value except reminding me that I am in fact using a development edge build. What I would have wished instead of these two, would be improvements on the device list page, to let me immediately see all the important information at once. Currently, one hast to make the page full screen to see all tags and columns. Dedicating a full page of real estate to a summary pages and forcing me to see it multiple times (just to skip it) doesn’t add any value really.