ResinOS custom Build Access

Hi *,

I just build an own Version of ResinOS with bitbake and just tried some funny things like RESIN_CONNECTABLE = 0 and just using an ssh docker container as base image. Then added a config.json with wifi settings.

Unfortunately the device is not connecting to the network, and when I just plugges keyboard and monitor to my raspberrypi zero it only shows the resin splash…

Is there a way to access the console with a keyboard??


Hi @SilentHunter ,

Have you tried setting the DEVELOPMENT_IMAGE var to 0 as well? It looks like your use case fits the development image variant which should also allow passwordless root access through the console.

Hi @lekkas,

cool it works, thank you very much :smiley: Is resin in a production environment really locked down?

You are wwelcome @SilentHunter

Is resin in a production environment really locked down?

To start with I’ll point you to our security docs page, let us know if you have more specific questions that are not answered there.

Best, Kostas