Intel NUC - expected sequence of screens

After trying on an RP3, I am trying it on an Intel NUC and experiencing slightly different behaviour so I wanted to check if this is expected and documented anywhere.

On the RP3:

  • download resin image
  • flash SD card using etcher
  • insert SD card into RP3
  • power on RP3
  • RP3 boots and HDMI output is a white background with logo.
  • RP3 appears on dashboard as “online”

On the Intel NUC:

  • download resin image
  • flash USB flash key using etcher
  • insert USB flash key into NUC
  • power on NUC press F10 to select boot device as USB Flash Key
  • NUC boots, appears on dashboard as “provisioning”
  • NUC powers off
  • remove USB flash key, power NUC back on
  • HDMI output is GRUB screen appears, auto dismisses after two seconds
  • HDMI output is a white background with logo
  • If the image is a DEVELOPMENT image:
    • HDMI output is black background with boot progress text log
    • pressing enter a few times gets to

Resin OS 2.13.6 [UUID] tty1
[UUID] login:

  • Entering “root” as login and pressing enter logs in and gets a /bin/sh

So if someone has physical access to my DEVELOPMENT Intel NUC they can login as root without a password?

Hi @jason10,

So if someone has physical access to my DEVELOPMENT Intel NUC they can login as root without a password?

That is correct , development images enable a number of useful features while developing (like passwordless login) and should not be used in production. This is also documented in a few places in our docs

From Going to production - Balena Documentation

When developing an application, you should consider using a development image of balenaOS. These images have a number of features that, for security reasons, are not present in the production releases of balenaOS. These include:

  • Passwordless SSH access to the host OS
  • Access to the Docker socket
  • Serial and console logging and interactive login
  • Local mode functionality

In addition, you can find a development vs production image feature list here: What is balenaOS? - Balena Documentation

Last but not least, when users select a development edition in the ‘Add a new device’ dialog, they will see a note on where to use (and where to avoid) development images:

I hope this covers your question!


Can we switch devices between development and production remotely?

Hi Jason
Unfortunately the answer is no. As far as I am informed you have to actually reflash the device